
"Personality is not determined by their appearances"

Every individual is their own person. People often judge each other by their looks, 
and missed the opportunity to really see past them.
“We” and we, are the same as you, as everyone as human being. We are our own persona.
We live, we change, we love, we dance, together in this world, we are we.
Take a closer look, and you will see.
This work is about unfair social behaviour and often being forgotten by people that it is one of the issues in our society. Humans judged other humans based on how they look, where their eyes always work to catch visual information, then processed it with a misunderstanding result. In the end, they made a negative thought about it in their mind. "Persona" is a form of personality in a person that is built based on achievement, past tense, the universe, and every aspect, that grows together with someone. For me, someone's persona is an invisible thing. To get to know and see a whole individual needs deeper observation. We could never understand each other if we don't try to understand and try hard to get to know. In that case, on this work, I'm giving an expression about one of the human behaviours that they often do when they judge someone based on their looks. A human can never be judged with only one aspect. Take a closer look, then you'll understand.
Karya ini membahas perlakuan sosial yang tidak adil dan sering kali terlupakan bahwa ini adalah sebuah bentuk masalah dalam lingkungan manusia. Manusia menilai manusia lainya berdasarkan penampilanya, dimana indera penglihatan yang selalu bekerja menangkap informasi visual yang kemudian terproses dan kerap menyalahartikan, sehingga membuat kesimpulan negatif sendiri. “Persona” adalah bentuk kepribadian seseorang yang terbentuk baik itu berdasarkan capaian, lampau, jagat sekitar, dan segala aspek yang tumbuh bersama seseorang. Bagi saya, persona seseorang adalah hal yang tidak bisa kita lihat secara kasat mata. Untuk bisa melihat dan mengenali individu seutuhnya dibutuhkan observasi yang lebih dalam. Kita tidak akan pernah mengerti sesama, jika kita tidak memahami, mengenalinya, dan benar-benar mengenalinya. Maka, dalam kaya ini saya mengungkapkan salah satu prilaku yang sudah menjadi kewajaran manusia menilai seseorang berdasarkan penampilanya. Manusia tidak bisa dinilai berdasarkan satu aspek, untuk mengenali manusia, lihatlah lebih dekat, maka kau akan mengerti.
Persona  -  Yorré  -  2020
Persona; Observe


Toner Powder Print on Body
Persona; Painstaking


Toner Powder Print on Body


Photograph & Lightroom by Hasbi Afif (@sbifif)
